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Chun Yip Baking Class

Another amazing baking class from Chun Yip by Chef William Tan as he teaches us how to do some very amazing and unique desserts. 

We start of with the San Francisco Apple Crumble Passion Fruit Cheese Tartlet. First, make the base of the tart shell

 Mixing the ingredients so that the texture becomes something like this...

 the tart filling, consisting of cranberries, raisins and apple slices.

mix it all up so it will become a nice mixed fruit filling

press down the tart base into moulds...

 For the cheese filling, we needed a secret ingredient that is nice to smell, nice to taste, easy to use and easy to find...so we used..

Monin's passion fruit essence!

mix it in with the filling ans spoon them into the tart moulds.

and cover it with the cream cheese filling

let it bake halfway and take it out again to sprinkle the top with more of the base mix, then back into the oven to let it cook evenly

when it's done, dust some snow sugar on the top for decoration

 For the French Apple Loaf Cake, it is a mixture of cranberries, apple, plain flour, butter, almonds, sugar, eggs, etc.

divide it into moulds and cups of your choice. Use a big aluminium mould if you are aiming to make a loaf

add toppings of fruits, basically apples.

add cinnamon powder..

and leave it to bake

when it's done, cover the top with apricot glaze to make it shine

For the Panna Cotta dessert cup, add Monin passion fruit mix into a mixture of full cream milk. sugar, cream, etc.

Melt gelatin powder in a double boil and add that in as well

Remember to sieve it to make sure you get a nice smooth creamy texture.

Pour it into dessert cups and chill it in the fridge for about 1-2 hours.

 For the Matcha Green Tea Red Bean Tiramisu cup, cut out round green tea sponge cakes with round cutters and place it into dessert cups.

Put some tea bags into hot water and sugar to make a nice tea syrup. Spoon some syrup to damped the dry sponge cake.

 Top the cake with some red beans.

Layer the top with the Cream Cheese Tiramisu Mixture made with egg yolks, full cream milk. sugar, cream cheese and cream.

Repeat the layers starting with the sponge cake again.

You can top the last layer with some leftover red beans for decorations if you like.

For the Panna Cotta dessert cup, you can add more Monin passion fruit mix or cherries for the topping and a very classy decoration.

A Big Thank You to Chef William Tan

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